“Modern warfare will rely heavily on IW, which can be a cornerstone of effective integrated deterrence. Given that the European theater still relies heavily on the US security guarantee, the US IW enterprise must be leveraged. Effective IW also requires the United States to rely heavily on its allies. To construct a truly credible integrated deterrence framework, American planners will need to prioritize multinational engagements to first understand and then counter localized Russian IW techniques. The Russian IW playbook that focuses on people, stokes social divisiveness, exacerbates identity politics, and drives legal expediencies will attain Russian goals if left unchecked. For US integrated deterrence to succeed vis-à-vis Russia, allied European nations must shape the environment to protect the rules-based order and counter artificial realities. Western democratic, multicultural, and pluralistic societies function only when all peoples have equal rights and opportunities. An essential component of IW in Europe is understanding how to protect both.”